Twelfth Symposium on General Topology

and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra

was held on July 25–29, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic under the auspices of the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University.

Scientific committee

Organizing committee

List of participants

Kazimierz Alster (Warsaw), Daron Anderson (Dublin), Sergey Antonyan (Mexico City), Ana Anušić (Zagreb), Alexander Arkhangelskii (Moscow), Karthika Arumugam (Coimbatore), Petra Augustová (Prague), Leandro Aurichi (Sao Paulo), Lydia Außenhofer (Passau), Vladimer Baladze (Batumi), Bohuslav Balcar (Prague), Taras Banakh (Lviv), Piotr Bartlomiejczyk (Gdansk), Dana Bartošová (Sao Paulo), Adam Bartoš (Prague), René Bartsch (Darmstadt), Farida Belhannache (Jijel), Angelo Bella (Catania), Roy Ben-Ari (Givat Shmuel), Jeffrey Bergfalk (Ithaca, NY), Anzor Beridze (Batumi), Wojciech Bielas (Prague), Jana Blobner (Pilsen), Alexey Bogomolov (Moscow), Geoff Booth (Port Elizabeth), Abderrahmane Bouchair (Jijel), Christina Brech (Sao Paulo), Will Brian (Waco, TX), Henk Bruin (Vienna), Lev Bukovsky (Kosice), Bruce Burdick (Providence), Aleksander Błaszczyk (Katowice), Filippo Calderoni (Torino), Felix Capulin (Toluca), Nathan Carlson (Thousand Oaks, California), Raphael Carroy (Torino), Ilaria Castellano (Udine), Mauricio Chacon-Tirado (Puebla), Xiao Chang (Pittsburgh), Asylbek Chekeev (Bishkek), David Chodounsky (Prague), Jernej Cinc (Vienna), Andrew Cooper (Raleigh), Marek Cuth (Prague), Pratulananda Das (Kolkata), Dikran Dikranjan (Udine), Georgi Dimov (Sofia), Natasha Dobrinen (Denver), Tadeusz Dobrowolski (Pittsburg), Szymon Dolecki (Dijon), Michal Doucha (Besançon), Alan Dow (Charlotte), Ramazan Ekmekçi (Canakkale), Marian Fabián (Prague), María Vicenta Ferrer (Castelló), Hanspeter Fischer (Muncie, Indiana), Arthur Fischer (Vienna), Salvador Garcia-Ferreira (Morelia), Isabel Garrido (Madrid), Paul Gartside (Pittsburgh), Dimitrios Georgiou (Patras), Stefan Geschke (Hamburg), Roman Gigoń (Bielsko-Biała), Anna Giordano Bruno (Udine), Jianhua Gong (Al Ain), Isaac Gorelic (Ottawa), Jan Grebík (Prague), Sina Greenwood (Auckland), Gonçalo Gutierres (Coimbra), K. P. Hart (Delft), Patrick Hartley (Bessemer, AL), Salvador Hernandez (Castelló), Rodrigo Hernandez-Gutierrez (North Bay), Logan Hoehn (North Bay), Aarno Hohti (Helsinki), Michael Hrušák (Mexico City), Alejandro Illanes (Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad de Mexico), Elza Ivanova-Dimova (Sofia), Jesus Jaramillo (Madrid), Jakub Jasinski (Scranton), István Juhász (Budapest), Heikki Junnila (Espoo), Ondřej Kalenda (Prague), Olena Karlova (Chernivtsi), Hisao Kato (Tsukuba-Shi), Alexander Kechris (Pasadena), Moiz ud Din Khan (Islamabad), Maria Kidawa (Warsaw), Viktor Kiss (Budapest), Arkady Kitover (Philadelphia), Hye-Kyeong Ko (Anyang-city), Marlene Koelbing (Wien), Anatoly Kombarov (Moscow), Piotr Koszmider (Warsaw), Andreas Koutsogiannis (Columbus), Vojtěch Kovařík (Prague), Konstantin Kozlov (Moscow), Mikolaj Krupski (Warsaw), Wieslaw Kubis (Prague), Andrzej Kucharski (Katowice), Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (Bonn), Sami Lazaar (Tunis), Jindrich Lechner (Prague), Eon-Kyung Lee (Seoul), Sang-Jin Lee (Seoul), Robert Leek (Cardiff), Arkady Leiderman (Beer Sheva), Chuan Liu (Zanesville), Jordi Lopez Abad (Madrid), Gabor Lukacs (Halifax), Veronica Martinez de la Vega (Mexico City), Carlos Martinez-Ranero (Concepcion), John Mayer (Birmingham), Ron McCartney (Lahore), Aisling McCluskey (Galway), Paul McKenney (OXFORD), Leonard Mdzinarishvili (Tbilisi), Sergey Medvedev (Chelyabinsk), Athanasios Megaritis (Messolonghi), Julien Melleray (Lyon), Ana S. Meroño (Madrid), Abdelwaheb Mhemdi (Gafsa), Jan van Mill (Amsterdam) Arnold Miller (Wisconsin-Madison), James Monk (Boulder, CO), Justin Moore (Ithaca), Chris Mouron (Memphis), Donát Nagy (Budapest), Inderasan Naidoo (Johannesburg), Lionel Nguyen Van Thé (Marseille), Sarjerao Nimse (Lucknow), Peter Nyikos (Columbia), Olivier Olela Otafudu (Mmabatho), Tarkan Oner (Muğla), Piotr Oprocha (Krakow), Yasser Ortiz Castillo (São Paulo), Lex Oversteegen (Birmingham), Marcelo Dias Passsos (Salvador), Arno Pauly (Brussels), Serpil Pehlivan (Isparta), Yinhe Peng (Toronto), Yann Pequignot (Vienna), Veronika Pitrová (Ústí nad Labem), Max Pitz (Hamburg), Artur Piękosz (Krakow), Szymon Plewik (Katowice), Krzysztof Plotka (Scranton), Luie Polev (Givat Shmuel), Mark Poor (Eger), Russel Aaron Quiñones Estrella (Tuxtla Guierrez), Ulises Ariet Ramos-García (Morelia), Nandita Rath (Perth), Evgenii Reznichenko (Moscow), Thomas Richmond (Bowling Green), Martin Rmoutil (Coventry), Jesús Rodríguez-López (Valencia), Reynaldo Rojas-Hernández (Morelia), Alejandro Darío Rojas-Sánchez (Ciudad de Mexico), Christian Rosendal (Chicago), Marcin Sabok (Montreal), Alicja Samulewicz (Gliwice), Denis I. Saveliev (Moscow), Radmila Sazdanovic (Raleigh), Dmitri Shakhmatov (Matsuyama), Qays Shakir (Galway), Pranav Sharma (Jalandhar), Menachem Shlossberg (Kiriat Ono), Samuel G. da Silva (Salvador), Petr Simon (Prague), Olga Sipacheva (Moscow), Lindiwe Sithole (Roodepoort, Johannesburg), Alena Skálová (Prague), Josef Šlapal (Brno), Iian Smythe (Ithaca, NY), Slawomir Solecki (Urbana-Champaign), Jacopo Somaglia (Milano), Lajos Soukup (Budapest), Santi Domenico Spadaro (São Paulo), Jiří Spurný (Prague), Jan Spěvák (Ústí nad Labem), Andrzej Starosolski (Gliwice), Jan Starý (Prague), Elena Sukhacheva (Tomsk), Jaroslav Šupina (Kosice), Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (Budapest), Paul Szeptycki (Toronto), Piotr Szewczak (Warsaw and Ramat Gan), Franklin Tall (Toronto), Angel Tamariz-Mascarua (Mexico City), Egbert Thümmel (Prague), Mikhail Tkachenko (Mexico), Przemysław Tkacz (Warsaw), Stevo Todorcevic (Paris), Maria Trnkova (Davis, CA), Věra Trnková (Prague), Todor Tsankov (Paris), Ruslan Tsinaridze (Batumi), Marian Turzanski (Warsaw), Toshimichi Usuba (Tokyo), Jerry Vaughan (Greensboro, NC), Zohreh Vaziry (Karaj), Ben Vejnar (Prague), Jonathan Verner (Prague), Zoltan Vidnyanszky (Budapest), Hugo Villanueva-Méndez (Tuxtla Gutierrez), Peter Vojtas (Prague), Eliza Wajch (Siedlce), Thilo Weinert (Beersheba), Benjamin Weiss (Jerusalem), Wolfgang Wohofsky (Hamburg), Kazushi Yoshitomi (Tokyo), Jindrich Zapletal (Gainesville), Andreas Zastrow (Gdansk), Nicolò Zava (Treviso), Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (Vienna), Joseph Zielinski (Chicago), Ondřej Zindulka (Prague)

List of talks

Download the book of abstracts.
The invited lectures are in boldface.

Alster On the class of all spaces whose product with every paracompact space is paracompact abstract
Antonyan Hyperspaces of Euclidean spaces in the Gromov–Hausdorff metric abstract slides
Anušić Planar embeddings of unimodal inverse limit spaces abstract slides
Arkhangelskii Topological Groups, Coset Spaces, and their Remainders abstract slides
Aurichi An internal characterization for productively Lindelöf spaces abstract slides
Außenhofer On quasi-convex null sequences abstract slides
Baladze On cohomological properties of remainders abstract slides
Banakh $\mathfrak G$-Bases in free objects of Topological Algebra abstract slides
Bartosova On a problem of Ellis and Pestov's conjecture abstract slides
Bartoš Tree sums and maximal connected I-spaces abstract slides
Bartsch On hyperstructures in topological categories abstract slides
Bergfalk Cohomology of Ordinals abstract
Beridze Strong shape and homology of continuous maps abstract slides
Booth Near-rings of Continuous Functions and Primeness abstract slides
Brian Quotients of the shift map (for frogs) abstract slides
Bukovsky Arhangelskii's alpha properties of $C_p(X)$ and covering properties of $X$ abstract slides
Calderoni Universality of embeddability between groups abstract slides
Carlson A cardinality bound for Hausdorff spaces abstract slides
Castellano Topological and algebraic entropy for locally linearly compact vector spaces abstract slides
Chacon-Tirado The hyperspace of large order arcs abstract slides
Chekeev The ultrafilteres on a zero-sets of uniformly continuous functions and completeness by them abstract slides
Cinc Extendability of the shift homeomorphism of some planar embeddings of unimodal inverse limit spaces abstract slides
Cooper Homology of Generalized Generalized Configuration Spaces abstract slides
Cuth Separable determination in Asplund spaces abstract slides
Das Ideal quasi-normal convergence and related notions abstract slides
Dikranjan The Zariski topology of a group abstract slides
Dimov A generalization of the Stone Duality Theorem abstract slides
Dobrinen Topological Ramsey spaces in creature forcing abstract slides
Dolecki Completeness of products abstract
Doucha Generic norms and metrics on countable abelian groups abstract slides
Dow PFA(S) implies there are many S-names abstract slides
Fischer Cotorsion-free groups from a topological viewpoint abstract slides
Garcia-Ferreira Cardinality of the Ellis semigroup on compact countable metrizable spaces abstract slides
Georgiou ${\mathcal I}$-convergence classes abstract slides
Geschke Lifting homeomorphisms from separable quotients of $\omega^*$ abstract slides
Gigoń Congruence-free compact semigroups abstract slides
Giordano Bruno Topological entropy on totally disconnected locally compact groups abstract slides
Greenwood Connectedness and generalised inverse limits abstract slides
Gutierres $g$-second countable spaces and the Axiom of Choice abstract slides
Hart Compact spaces with a $\mathbb P$-diagonal abstract slides
Hernandez Interpolation sets in spaces of continuous functions abstract slides
Hrušák Weak diamonds and topology abstract slides
Illanes Continuous Neighborhoods in a Product abstract slides
Jasinski Fixed point theorems for maps with various local contraction properties abstract slides
Junnila On productively paracompact spaces abstract slides
Kalenda Measuring noncompactness and discontinuity abstract slides
Karlova Baire one functions depending on finitely many coordinates abstract slides
Kato On dimension of inverse limits with set-valued functions abstract slides
Kechris Descriptive Graph Combinatorics abstract slides
Kiss Random elements of large groups – Continuous case abstract slides
Kitover Essential spectra of weighted composition operators on $C(K)$. abstract slides
Koszmider Noncommutative scattered locally compact spaces abstract
Koutsogiannis On the convergence of multiple correlation sequences with integer part polynomial iterates abstract
Kozlov Homogeneous spaces as coset spaces of groups from special classes abstract slides
Krupski Squares of function spaces and function spaces on squares abstract slides
Kubis Generic objects in topology abstract slides
Kucharski On $\kappa$-metrizable spaces abstract slides
Kwiatkowska The Lelek fan and the Poulsen simplex from Fraïssé sequences abstract slides
Leek Combinatorics of spoke systems for Fréchet–Urysohn points abstract slides
Leiderman $\mathfrak G$-bases in free objects over uniform spaces abstract slides
Liu Notes on free (Abelian) topological groups abstract slides
Lopez Abad The Ramsey property for Banach spaces, Choquet simplices, and their noncommutative analogs abstract
Lukacs On group-valued continuous functions: $k$-groups and reflexivity abstract slides
Martinez de la Vega History, structure, results and problems on hyperspaces and symmetric products abstract slides
Martinez-Ranero Hereditary Interval Algebras and Cardinal Invariants. abstract slides
Mayer Laminations of the Unit Disk and Cubic Julia Sets abstract slides
McCluskey Turning ternary relations into antisymmetric betweenness relations abstract slides
McKenney Automorphisms of $\mathcal{P}(\lambda)/\mathcal{I}_\kappa$ abstract slides
Medvedev Resolvable-measurable mappings of metrizable spaces abstract slides
Megaritis Ideal convergence of nets of functions with values in uniform spaces abstract slides
Melleray Minimal homeomorphisms of a Cantor space: full groups and invariant measures. abstract slides
Meroño The Samuel Realcompactification abstract slides
van Mill Some results and problems on Countable Dense Homogeneous spaces abstract slides
Miller On the length of Borel hierarchies abstract slides
Moore Minimal non $\sigma$-scattered linear orders abstract
Mouron On the classification of one dimensional continua that admit expansive homeomorphisms. abstract slides
Nguyen Van Thé Group compactifications and Ramsey-type phenomena abstract slides
Nyikos A structured construction of locally compact spaces by induction abstract
Olela Otafudu On quasi-uniform box product abstract slides
Oprocha On the shadowing property and odometers abstract slides
Ortiz Castillo Crowded pseudocompact Tychonoff spaces of cellularity at most the continuum are resolvable abstract slides
Oversteegen The space of invariant geometric laminations of degree $d$ abstract slides
Pauly Characterizing Noetherian spaces as $\Delta^0_2$-analogue to compact spaces abstract slides
Yinhe Peng Weak network and a weaker covering property for the basis problem abstract slides
Pitrová Hereditary coreflective subcategories in categories of semitopological groups abstract slides
Pitz Normal spanning trees in uncountable graphs, and almost disjoint families abstract slides
Plewik On the center of distances abstract slides
Plotka On lineability of classes of functions with various degrees of (dis)continuity abstract slides
Rosendal Equivariant geometry of Banach spaces and topological groups abstract slides
Quiñones Estrella Embedding cartesian products of graphs in symmetric products abstract slides
Ramos-García Extremally disconnected topological groups abstract slides
Reznichenko Maximal Homogeneous Spaces abstract slides
Rmoutil Recovering a Compact Hausdorff Space $X$ from the Compatibility Ordering on $C(X)$ abstract slides
Rodríguez-López Fuzzy uniform structures abstract slides
Rojas-Hernández On Corson and Valdivia compact spaces abstract slides
Rojas-Sánchez Star P and weakly star P properties abstract slides
Sabok On hyperfiniteness of boundary actions of hyperbolic groups abstract slides
Samulewicz Examples of absorbers in continuum theory abstract slides
Shakhmatov Selectively sequentially pseudocompact group topologies on abelian groups abstract slides
Shakir Setwise and Pointwise Betweenness via Hyperspaces abstract slides
Sharma Convergence measure spaces: An approach towards the duality theory of convergence groups abstract slides
Shlossberg Minimality of the Semidirect Product abstract slides
Silva Almost disjoint families and relative versions of covering properties of $\kappa$-paracompactness type abstract slides
Sipacheva On Boolean topological groups abstract slides
Smythe A local Ramsey theory for block sequences abstract slides
Solecki Projective Fraïssé limits and homogeneity for tuples of points of the pseudoarc abstract slides
Soukup Pinning Down versus Density abstract slides
Spadaro Infinite games and chain conditions abstract
Spurný Baire classes of affine vector-valued functions abstract slides
Starosolski Topological approach to "non-topological" ultrafilters abstract slides
Szeptycki $G_\delta$ covers of compact spaces abstract slides
Szewczak Productively (and non-productively) Menger spaces abstract slides
Tall Definable Versions of Menger's Conjecture abstract slides
Tamariz-Mascarua Completeness properties on $C_p(X,Y)$ spaces abstract slides
Tkachenko More on the properties of almost connected pro-Lie groups abstract slides
Tkacz The Bolzano property and the cube-like complexes abstract slides
Todorcevic More on the structure theory of the compact sets of the first Baire class abstract slides
Trnkova Dehn filling of a Hyperbolic 3-manifold abstract slides
Usuba Lindelöf spaces and large cardinals abstract slides
Vaughan Companions of partially ordered sets abstract slides
Vidnyanszky Random elements of large groups – Discrete case abstract slides
Villanueva-Méndez Chaos in hyperspaces of nonautonomous discrete systems abstract slides
Vojtas Base Tree Phenomenological Horizons abstract slides
Wajch Metrizable Cantor cubes that fail to be compact in some models for ZF abstract slides
Weiss Universal Minimal Recurrence abstract slides
Wohofsky Borel's conjecture for the Marczewski ideal abstract slides
Zastrow The comparission of topologies for the fundamental group and for generalized covering spaces abstract
Zava Some categorical aspects of coarse spaces and balleans abstract slides
Zdomskyy Combinatorial covering properties and posets with fusion abstract
Zielinski Locally Roelcke precompact Polish groups abstract slides


participants of TOPOSYM 2016

opening opening opening

A. Dow the audience the audience

L. Soukup P. Szewczak T. Weinert

coffee break coffee break coffee break

W. Brian A. McCluskey closing