Second Symposium on General Topology

and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra

was held on August 30 – September 4, 1966 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Association of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists.

Organizing committee

The Symposium was attended by 131 participants from 16 countries, including 41 from Czechoslovakia. The scientific programme consisted of 11 invited addresses in plenary sessions and 78 contributed papers into parallel sessions.

Most of the invited addresses and contributed papers, including a few papers presented in writing only, were published in General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra II, Proceedings of the Second Prague Topological Symposium 1966 (Academia Prague, 1967).

List of participants

J. C. Abbott (Annapolis), D. Adnadjevič (Beograd), P. S. Alexandroff (Moskva), R. D. Anderson (Baton Rouge), G. Aquaro (Bari), A. Arhangelskii (Moskva), M. Atsuji (Tokyo), C. E. Aull (Blacksburg), B. Banaschewski (Hamilton), L. Beran, T. N. Bhargava (Kent), R. H. Bing (Madison), V. G. Boltjanski (Moskva), H. Boseck (Greifswald), H. G. Bothe (Greifswald), D. G. Bourgin (Houston), L. Budach (Berlin), M. Bukovinská, L. Bukovský, P. Burmeister (Bonn), A. V. Černjavskij (Moskva), J. J. Charatonik (Wrocław), E. W. Cheney (Austin), G. S. Chogoshvili (Tbilisi), S. Ciampa (Pisa), Á. Császár (Budapest), K. Császár (Budapest), R. E. Demarr (Seattle), V. Dlab, I. Dobrakov, M. Dolcher (Trieste), C. H. Dowker (London), R. Duda (Wrocław), M. Duchoň, D. A. Edwards (Oxford), B. Efimov (Moskva), R. Engelking (Warszawa), G. Fichera (Roma), J. Flachsmeyer (Greifswald), Z. Frolík, K. M. Garg (Edmonton), E. Gedeonová, L. Gillman (Rochester), B. Gramsch (Mainz), H. Grell (Berlin), G. Grimeisen (Stuttgart), W. Grundmann (Weimar), N. Hadzhiivanov (Sofia), K. Hasse (Berlin), Z. Hedrlín, J. Hejcman, H. O. Herrmann (Weimar), K. H. Hofmann (New Orleans), K. Hrbáček, M. Hušek, R. Isler (Trieste), A. A. Ivanov (Leningrad), M. Jerison (Lafayette), F. B. Jones (Riverside), I. Juhász (Budapest), M. Karlowicz (Warszawa), M. Katětov, L. V. Keldysh (Moskva), J. M. Kister (Ann Arbor), I. Kluvánek, M. Kolibiar, V. Kořínek, P. Kostyrko, V. Koutník, O. Kowalski, H. Koch (Berlin), P. Kratochvíl, E. H. Kronheimer (London), F. Kuhnert (Karl-Marx-Stadt), K. Kuratowski (Warszawa), D. Kurepa (Beograd), V. I. Kuzminov (Novosibirsk), B. Levšenko (Moskva), O. V. Lokucievskij (Moskva), G. Maibaum (Dresden), Z. P. Mamuzic (Beograd), S. Mardešic (Zagreb), I. Marek, N. S. Mendelsohn (Winnipeg), J. Mioduszewski (Wrocław), L. Mišík, T. Neubrunn, V. Nollau (Dresden), J. Novák, M. Novotný, A. B. Paalman-de Miranda (Amsterdam), R. R. Phelps (Seattle), V. Ponomarev (Moskva), H. Poppe (Greifswald), I. Prodanov (Sofia), V. Pták, A. Pultr, B. Riečan, W. Rinow (Greifswald), J. Schmidt (Bonn), R. M. Schori (Baton Rouge), J. Segal (Seattle), M. Sekanina, Š. Schwarz, C. Silva-Rehermann (La Habana), L. Skula, J. van der Slot (Amsterdam), YU. M. Smirnov (Moskva), A. Sobczyk (Clemson), S. Spagnolo (Pisa), F. Speranza (Bologna), J. Srinivasan (Paris), I. Studnička, T. Šalát, M. Štěrbová, S. Švarc, I. A. Švedov (Novosibirsk), D. Zaremba-Szczepkowicz (Warszawa), H. Tamano (Kyoto), R. Telgársky, S. Tomášek, V. Trnková, J. Virsík, P. Vopěnka, H. J. Voss (Ilmenau), E. Wattel (Amsterdam), D. E. Wulbert (Austin), J. Záhora, A. V. Zarelua (Novosibirsk), S. P. Zervos (Athens), W. Želazko (Warszawa)

List of countries

The table summarizes the number of participants from individual countries.

Czechoslovakia 41
Germany (East 19, West 5) 19
USA 18
Italy, Poland 8
Yugoslavia 4
Canada, Hungary, the Netherlands, United Kingdom 3
Bulgaria, Japan 2
Cuba, France 1

List of communications

The invited addresses are in boldface.

Abbott Remarks on an Algebraic Structure for a Topology.
Adnadjevic On dimension dm of topological spaces.
Alexandroff, Ponomarev Projection-Spectra
Anderson Some Special Methods of Homeomorphism Theory in Infinite-Dimensional Topology.
Aquaro Point Countable Open Coverings in Countably Compact Spaces.
Arhangelskii On Some Results Concerning $k$-Spaces.
Atsuji Remarks on Product Spaces.
Aull Paracompact Subsets.
Banaschewski Projective Covers in Certain Categories of Topological Spaces.
Bing A Hereditarily Infinite Dimensional Space.
Boltjanskii Axiomatics of probability theory.
Boseck Two Classes of Almost Periodic Functions on Topological T_0-Groups.
Bothe Eine fixierte Kurve in $E^3$.
Bourgin, Mendel Circumscribing Convex Sets
Budach Beziehungen zwischen gewissen Topologien in Noetherschen Ringen.
Bukovský Borel Subsets of Metric Separable Spaces.
Ciampa Differential Structures.
Chogoshvili Direct and inverse limits of systems of groups and spaces and their applications.
Comfort Locally Compact Realcompactifications
Császár Á. Syntopogene Halbgruppen.
Császár K. Abgeschwächte Trennungsaxiome.
Deák Richtungsräume und Richtungsdimension
Demarr Order Structures and Topological Structures.
Dinh-Nho-Chuöng Preclosed Multivalued Mappings
Dowker, Papert On Urysohn's Lemma
Doyle On Finite $T_0$-Spaces
Duda Some New Concepts of Dimension and Their Generalization.
Edwards On Separation and Approximation of Real Functions Defined on a Choquet Simplex.
Efimov Extremal Disconnectedness and Dyadicity.
Engelking Quelques démonstrations nouvelles dans la théorie des ensembles boreliens.
Flachsmeyer Über die Realisierung von Boole-Algebren als Boole-Algebren regulär offener Mengen.
Frolík Baire Sets Which Are Borelian Subspaces.
Frolík Types of Ultrafilters on Countable Sets
Gillman The Space $\beta \mathbb N$ and the Continuum Hypothesis.
Gramsch Integration in topologischen Vektorräumen und lokal p-konvexen Algebren.
Grimeisen Über die Quotiententopologie als Spur der Potenz einer Topologie.
De Groot, Strecker, Wattel The Compactness Operator in General Topology
Hadzhiivanov Compactification of proximity spaces.
Hasse Homogene Topologien in Polynomringen.
Hedrlín, Pultr, Trnková Concerning a Categorial Approach to Topological and Algebraic Theories
Hušek Categorial Methods in Topology.
Ivanova, Ivanov Contiguity relations and H-closed extensions.
Jerison Algebras of Germs of Fourier Transforms.
Juhász Remarks on a Theorem of B. Pospíšil.
Katětov M. Convergence Structures.
Keldysh, Černjavskij Topological Embeddings in Euclidean Space
Kluvánek Characterization of Fourier-Stieltjes Transforms of Vectorvalued Measures.
Koch On Free Operator-p-Groups
Koutník On Convergence Topologies.
Kowalski Orbits of groups of mappings on Grassman manifolds.
Kuhnert Über ein Konvergenzprinzip bei Spektralzerlegungen.
Kuratowski On Discontinuous Selectors.
Kurepa On Numerical and Non-numerical Ecart.
Kuzminov Some properties of cohomological dimensions of compacts.
Lelek A. On Quasi-Components
Levčenko, Smirnov A property of zerodimensional metric spaces.
Lokucievskii On dimension theory.
Maibaum Zum Eigenwertproblem bei analytischen operatorwertigen Funktionen, deren Koeffizienten positive Operatoren sind.
Mamuzic Note sur les espaces de voisinages (V) et les ordres semitopogénes.
Mardešic On the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Problem in Non-metric Spaces.
Mioduszewski, Rudolf A Formal Connection between Projectiveness for Compact and not Necessarily Compact Completely Regular Spaces.
Nagata A Survey of Dimension Theory
Nollau Über die Potenzen $A^\alpha (0 < \alpha <1)$ eines abgeschlossenen Operators $A$ in einem Banachraum.
Novotný Idealtopologien auf geordneten Mengen.
Paalman-de Miranda Topological Representation of Semigroups.
Ponomarev Two Theorems of the Descriptive Theory of Point Sets.
Poppe Ein Kompaktheitskriterium für Abbildungsräume mit einer verallgemeinerten uniformen Struktur.
Prodanov Compact representations of continuous algebraic structures.
Pták Extensions of Topological Spaces
Riečan On Measurable Sets in Topological Spaces.
Rinow Über die verallgemeinerten uniformen Strukturen von Morita und ihre Vervollständigung.
Šalát Normale Zahlen und Bairesche Kategorien von Mengen
Schmidt Symmetric Approach to the Fundamental Notions of General Topology.
Schori Universal Spaces.
Segal A New Dimension Type.
Sekanina Topologies Compatible with Ordering.
Silva-Rehermann Sur une généralisation de la propriété de Darboux.
Smirnov Proximity and Construction of Compactifications with Given Properties.
Sobczyk The Simple Dimension of a Topological Space.
Shvedov Dimension and smooth bundles.
Zaremba-Szczepkowicz Some Dimensional Properties of Decompositions
Tamano Normality and Product Spaces.
Tomášek Über eine Klasse lokalkonvexer Räume.
Vopěnka Topological methods in axiomatic theory of sets.
Wulbert Structure of Tchebychev Sets.
Zarelua On finite-to-one mappings.
Zervos Algebraic Generalization of the Topological Theorems of Bolzano and Weierstrass.

The list includes all papers presented at the sessions of the Symposium (85) as well as those papers (5) accepted by the Organizing Committee which could not, for various reasons, be presented during the Symposium and were forwarded in writing only. In some cases the language and the title of the paper differ from those originally announced.


The collection of pictures concentrates on the audience and several talks. In the audience pictures one can see e.g. L. Keldysh, Z. Hedrlin, R. Anderson, A. Paalman-de Miranda, A. Csaszar, S. Mardesic, M. Calczynska-Karlowicz, R. Engelking, N. Hadzhiivanov, P. S. Alexandroff, M. Atsuji, C. H. Dowker, S. Ciampa, G. S. Chogoshvili, J. Flachsmeyer, G. Grimeisen, K. Kuratowski, A. Sobczyk, D. Kurepa.

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