Eleventh Symposium on General Topology

and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra

was held on August 7–13, 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Center for Theoretical Study and the Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Organizing committee

The Symposium was attended by 138 mathematicians from 26 countries. The scientific programme consisted of 19 lectures invited by the organizing committee, 91 contributed talks presented in four parallel sessions, 5 problem sessions and 2 posters.

The proceedings are published in Proceedings of the Eleventh Prague Symposium on General Topology and Its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, TOPOSYM 2011 as a special issue (Volume 159, Issue 13) of Topology and its Applications (Elsevier 2012).

List of participants

María Elena Aguilera (México), Narcisa Apreutesei (Iasi), Gabriela Apreutesei (Iasi), Spyros Argyros (Athens), Lydia Aussenhofer (Passau), Bohuslav Balcar (Praha), Artur Barkhudaryan (Yerevan), Dana Bartošová (Prague), René Bartsch (Greifswald), Désirée Basile (Catania), Wojciech Bielas (Katowice), Aleksander Błaszczyk (Katowice), Caroline Brembilla (Orsay), Henk Bruin (Guildford), Jorge Bruno (Galway), Lev Bukovský (Kosice), Bruce Burdick (Bristol), Felix Capulin Perez (Toluca), Nate Carlson (Thousand Oaks), Bernardo Cascales (Murcia), Wlodzimierz Charatonik (Rolla), David Chodounsky (Prague), Marek Cuth (Praha), Dikran Dikranjan (Udine), Matúš Dirbák (Banska Bystrica), Michal Doucha (Prague), Alan Dow (Charlotte), Márton Elekes (Budapest), Ahmad Farhat (Wrocław), Jana Flašková (Plzeň), Joanna Garbulińska (Kielce), Salvador Garcia Ferreira (Morelia), Luis Miguel García Velázquez (México), Dimitris Georgiou (Patras), Stefan Geschke (Bonn), Anna Giordano Bruno (Udine), Eli Glasner (Tel Aviv), Helge Glockner (Paderborn), David Guerrero Sánchez (Murcia), Antonio J. Guirao Sanchez (Valencia), Petr Hajek (Praha), K. P. Hart (Delft), Rodrigo Hernández Gutiérrez (Morelia), Logan Hoehn (Birmingham), Aarno Hohti (Helsinki), Petr Holický (Praha), Michael Hrušák (Morelia), Joanna Jaroszewska (Warsaw), Istvan Juhász (Budapest), Joanna Jureczko (Warsaw), Masaru Kada (Osaka), Piotr Kalemba (Katowice), Ondřej Kalenda (Praha), Zdzisław Kosztołowicz (Kielce), Martin Kovár (Brno), Pawel Krupski (Wroclaw), Mikolaj Krupski (Warszawa), Jerzy Krzempek (Gliwice), Wieslaw Kubiś (Kielce), Andrzej Kucharski (Katowice), Hans-Peter Kunzi (Rondebosch), Dieter Leseberg (Braunschweig), Pavel Ludvík (Praha), Gabor Lukacs (Winnipeg), Sergio Macias (Mexico), Endre Makai, Jr. (Budapest), Władysław Makuchowski (Opole), Maciej Malicki (Warsaw), Miguel Martin (Granada), Tamas Matrai (Budapest), John Mayer (Birmingham), Aisling McCluskey (), Athanasios Megaritis (Patras), David Meza Alcantara (Morelia), Jan van Mill (Amsterdam) Arnold W. Miller (Madison), Hiroaki Minami (Wien), Michele Mulazzani (Bologna), Frederic Mynard (Statesboro), Inderasan Naidoo (Pretoria), Piotr Niemiec (Krakow), Jacek Nikiel (Opole), Magdalena Nowak (Kielce), Piotr Oprocha (Krakow), Norberto Ordonez (México), Alexander Osipov (Ekaterinburg), Lex Oversteegen (Birmingham), Selma Ozcag (Ankara), Janusz Pawlikowski (Wroclaw), Tom Pazák (Praha), Bill Petropoulos (Rio), Szymon Plewik (Katowice), Ross Ptacek (Birmingham), Pavel Pyrih (Prague), Robert Ralowski (Wrocław), Ando Razafindrakoto (Cape Town), Evgenii Reznichenko (Moscow), Masami Sakai (Yokohama), Alicja Samulewicz (Gliwice), Javier Sanchez (Toluca), Gavin Seal (Lausanne), Dmitri Shakhmatov (Matsuyama), Nikita Shekutkovski (Skopje), Petr Simon (Prague), Olga Sipacheva (Moscow), Josef Šlapal (Brno), Ľubomír Snoha (Banska Bystrica), Slawomir Solecki (Urbana), Lajos Soukup (Budapest), Jiří Spurný (Prague), Jan Starý (Prague), Dimitrina Stavrova (Leicester), Michal Staš (Kosice), Jaroslav Supina (Košice), Zoltan Szentmiklóssy (Budapest), Paul Szeptycki (Toronto), Frank Tall (Toronto), Katie Thompson (Wien), Mikhail Tkachenko (Mexico), Daniele Toller (Udine), Victor Torres Perez , Věra Trnková (Praha), Todor Tsankov (Paris), Murat Tuncali (North Bay), Slawomir Turek (Kielce), Marian Turzański (Warsaw), Konrad Ungeheuer (Wrocław), Jerry Vaughan (Greensboro), Benjamin Vejnar (Prague), Jonathan Verner (Prague), Hugo Villanueva (Mexico City), Scott Williams (Buffalo), Wolfgang Wohofsky (Vienna), Anna Wojciechowska (Katowice), Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (Vienna), Szymon Zeberski (Wroclaw), Ondrej Zindulka (Prague), Laszlo Zsilinszky (Pembroke),

List of countries

The table summarizes the number of participants from individual countries.

Poland 28
Czech Republic 21
USA 14
Mexico 12
Hungary 6
Germany, Italy, Slovakia 5
Austria, Canada, Greece, Spain 4
Japan, Russia, South Africa 3
France, Netherlands, Romania, United Kingdom 2
Armenia, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Macedonia, Turkey 1

List of communications

Download the book of abstracts.
The invited lectures are in boldface.

Aguilera Small Whitney Blocks
Apreutesei The largest classes of closed sets for coincidence of hypertopologies
Apreutesei Trotter-Kato type results for second order differential inclusions
Argyros From Tsirelson space to the solution of the "scalar plus compact" problem
Aussenhofer The $p$-adic topologies on $Z$ are not Mackey topologies
Barkhudaryan A note on coclones of topological spaces
Bartošová The universal minimal flow in the language of near ultrafilters
Bartsch On graph topologies and their counterparts in the realm of convenient topology
Basile Weak extent, submetrizability and diagonal degrees
Błaszczyk Transversal and $T_1$-independent topologies
Bruin Ingram's Conjecture
Bruno Group theoretic properties of the automorphism groups of minimal $T_D$ topologies
Capulin Perez On representation space and mappings
Carlson Homogeneity in Non-regular Spaces
Cascales Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás theorem and Asplund operators
Charatonik Results about representation spaces
Dikranjan Mackey groups and Mackey topologies
Dirbák Some aspects of topological dynamics on spaces with a free interval
Doucha Canonizing of Borel equivalence relations for the Silver ideal
Dow Efimov's problem revisited
Farhat Cardinal invariants of monotonically normal compacta and applications
Garbulińska On the Gurarii space
Garcia Ferreira Topologies generated by weak selection topologies
García Velázquez Whitney levels on hyperspaces of nonmetrizable continua
Georgiou Base dimension-like functions of the type Ind
Giordano Bruno Entropy on abelian groups
Glasner On Hilbert Dynamical Systems
Glockner Continuity of convolution of test functions on Lie groups
Guerrero Sánchez Dense subspaces vs closure-preserving covers of function spaces
Hajek Markushevich bases in Banach spaces
Hart $\omega^*$, $\omega_1^*$ and non-trivial autohomeomorphisms
Hernández Gutiérrez Classifying spaces of remote points for some metrizable spaces
Hoehn A non-chainable plane continuum with span zero
Hrušák A metrization theorem for small Frechet groups
Jaroszewska Sharkovskii's theorem for random dynamical systems
Juhász Variations on $\omega$-boundedness
Jureczko Strong sequences in partially ordered sets
Kada Preservation of the Lindelöf property and infinite games on posets
Kalenda Approximate fixed point nets and sequences
Kosztołowicz Characterization of chainable, tree-like and circle-like continua
Kovár The de Groot dual revisited
Krupski Chain recurrent sets of typical maps on locally connected curves. An alternative proof
Krupski A dichotomy for convex spaces of probability measures
Krzempek On inductive dimension modulo a simplicial complex
Kubiś Retracts of universal homogeneous structures
Kucharski Some applications of tiny sequences
Kunzi The Katětov construction revisited
Leseberg Improved nearness research IV
Ludvík Distances to spaces of first $H$-class functions
Lukacs Vilenkin duality revisited: A unifying duality for abelian groups
Macias On freely decomposable maps
Makai, Jr. Epireflective subcategories of ${T_2}Unif$, $Unif$ and $Comp{T_2}Ab$, closed under epimorphic images
Malicki Trees, ultrametric spaces, and their automorpshim groups
Matrai On typical properties of Hilbert space operators
Mayer Buried points in Julia sets
McCluskey On topologies on $X$ as points in $2^{{P}(X)}$
Megaritis Base dimension-like functions of the type ind
Meza Alcantara Hausdorff ultrafilters and Katětov order
van Mill Topological homogeneity
Miller Uniquely Universal Sets
Mulazzani On the complexity of compact 3-manifolds
Mynard Diagonality in spaces of open sets
Naidoo On closed frame homomorphisms
Niemiec Universal valued Abelian groups
Nikiel Properties of Suslinian continua
Nowak A convergent sequence which is not an IFS-attractor
Oprocha On weak mixing and multi-transitivity
Ordonez The Hyperspace of Meager Subcontinua
Osipov The C-compact-open topology on C(X)
Oversteegen Laminations and Complex Dynamics
Ozcag Separability in bitopological spaces and selection principles
Pawlikowski On the concept of $\Sigma^1_2$-completeness
Pazák Todorčević orderings (poster)
Plewik On I-favorable and very I-favorable spaces
Ralowski Topologies on the group of invertible transformations (poster)
Razafindrakoto Neighbourhood operators on categories
Reznichenko Continuity In Groups
Sakai Selective separability of Pixley-Roy hyperspaces
Sanchez On the unicoherence of quotient spaces of symmetrics products of continua
Shakhmatov Metrizability of compact groups via conditions on their dense subgroups
Shekutkovski Intrinsic shape of sets in Morse decomposition
Sipacheva Equations in groups and the existence of nontrivial group topologies
Solecki $L_0$ and its representations
Soukup Cardinal sequences of scattered spaces
Spurný Descriptive properties of elements of biduals of Banach spaces
Stavrova Covering Properties of Symmetrizable Spaces
Supina Sequence Selection Properties for Quasi-normal Convergence
Szeptycki Some results on D-spaces
Tall Productively Lindelöf spaces and selection principles
Tkachenko Feebly compact paratopological groups
Toller Markov's problems through the looking glass of Zariski and Markov topologies
Torres Perez Rado's Conjecture and $\aleph_2$-Aronszajn special trees
Trnková Clones of topological spaces
Tsankov Generic representations of Abelian groups
Tuncali Buried points of Peano continua in the plane
Turek Invariant binary subbases in compact topological groups
Turzański The Bolzano-Poincaré fixed point theorem
Ungeheuer On continua on which generic maps have zero-dimensional sets of chain-recurrent points
Vaughan More ordinal remainders of $\psi$-spaces
Vejnar Waraszkiewicz spirals revisited
Villanueva Embedding cones in hyperspaces
Williams Box products of non-metrizable compacta
Wohofsky Marczewski Borel Conjecture and sigma-ideals dense in Sacks forcing
Zdomskyy Combinatorial properties of open covers of products
Zeberski The $\sigma$-ideal generated by zero-dimensional Z-sets in the Hilbert cube
Zindulka Meager-additive sets in topological groups
Zsilinszky On $\beta$-favorability of the strong Choquet game


Bartošová Blaszczyk Bukovsky Glasner Hart Hrusak Juhasz Kada Krupski Mccluskey Miller Pawlikowski Shakmatov Sipacheva Solecki Soukup Šupina Szeptycki Tall Tkachenko van Mill Vaughan

the audience Dikranjan, Sipacheva Tall, Dow, Hrušák Trnková Williams, Simonová, Hart Williams, Zindulka Williams, Zindulka