was held in August 13–19, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Mathematical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences and the Centre for Theoretical Study in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics of the Institute of Chemical Technology, the Department of Mathematics of the University of Economics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and DIMATIA of the Charles University and Elsevier.
The symposium was attended by 209 mathematicians from 35 countries. The scientific programme consisted of 31 invited lectures, 130 contributed talks, 8 posters and 6 enlarged abstracts. Most of these are present in Proceedings of the tenth Prague symposium on general topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra (North-Holland, 2008).
The table summarizes the number of participants form individual countries.
USA | 27 |
Poland | 26 |
Czech Republic | 22 |
Mexico | 17 |
Italy | 15 |
Russia | 10 |
Spain | 9 |
Japan, The Netherland | 8 |
Hungary, Slovakia | 7 |
Germany, New Zealand | 6 |
France | 5 |
Belgium, Canada, Latvia | 4 |
Greece, Ireland | 3 |
Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Israel | 2 |
South Africa, Serbia, Brazil, Colombia, Lebanon, Oman | 1 |
The invited addresses are in boldface.
Abry | On one point connectifications |
Acosta | On Circle-like continua which are C-determined |
Alster | Some remarks on the class of all spaces whose Cartesian product with every paracompact space is paracompact |
Anaya | Making holes in Hyperspaces |
Angosto | Compactness via distances to space $B_1(X,E)$ |
Außenhofer | Duality properties of subgroups and quotient groups of large products of $R$ |
Basile | Ohio completeness and products |
Batíkova | Completion of semi-uniform spaces |
Błaszczyk | Remarks on projective Boolean algebras |
Bonanzinga | Some covering properties for Psi spaces |
Borst | A weakly infinite dimensional compactum not having Property C |
Bosi | A characterization of semicontinuous representability of interval orders (enlarged abstract) |
Brech | Grothendieck C(K)s of small densities |
Brown | Remote points in products under CH |
Brzeska | Combinatorial and topological properties of Seq |
Bukovský | Convergence of sequences of real functions and covering properties |
Bula | Topological conjugacy and chaotic mappings (poster) |
Buls | Infinite Words |
Cao | Baire spaces, Tychonoff powers and the Vietoris topology |
Capulin Perez | Continua of type N (generalized) |
Cascales | The quantitative difference between countable compactness and compactness |
Cencelj | Extension of maps to nilpotent spaces |
Charalambous | A note on the dimension of cosmic spaces |
Charatonik | Open problems in continuum theory |
Chodounský | Internal normality and internal compactness |
Claes | Affine sets and function spaces |
Comfort | Pseudocompact Groups: Progress and Problems |
Costantini | A paracompact sequential space under MA which is not hereditarily weakly Whyburn |
Debs | A New Representation of Borel Sets and Applications |
Demirci | Topological characterization of lineary ordered complete residuated lattices (enlarged abstract) |
Di Maio | The Hausdorff metric distance and its applications to General Topolgy and Music |
Dijkstra | Characterizing stable complete Erdös space |
Dikranjan | The Markov-Zariski topology on abelian group |
Dobrinen | Boolean algebras and co-stationarity of the ground model |
Dobrowolski | CDM via conjugates with applications |
Domínguez | Group topologies on vector spaces and lifting properties (poster) |
Dow | Revisiting Normal Moore Spaces |
Dranishnikov | Asymptotic dimension |
Eda | Infinitary words |
Elekes | On a converse to Banach's Fixed Point Theorem |
Eliaš | Permitted sets and analytic subgroups of T |
Fabian | Weakly compactly generated spaces and their relatives |
Farah | Extreme amenability of $L_0$ |
Fedorchuk | Essential mappings of weakly infinite-dimensional spaces |
Filipow | Ideal convergence of bounded sequences |
Flašková | (SC)-ultrafilters |
Frick | Covering $2^\omega$ with weakly $\frak c$-homogeneous sets |
Gartside | More Stratifiable Functions Spaces |
Gauld | The homeomorphism group of non-metrisable manifolds |
Gerlo | Study of compactness in a category equipped with a distance |
Giordano Bruno | Pseudocompact dense essential subgroups of compact abelian groups (poster) |
Glasner | Enveloping semigroups |
Golenishcheva-Kutuzova | Generic topological properties of analytic foliations in $C^2$ |
Gorelic | Solution of Shapirovskii's question |
Gotchev | $G_\delta$-dense subsets of products of first-countable spaces are $C$-embedded |
Greenwood | Brunnian links |
Gumerov | Covering spaces of compact groups |
Gutiérrez Garcia | Extension of Families of Pairwise Disjoint Real-valued Functions and Hedgehog-valued functions |
Hart | There is no categorical metric continuum |
Hattori | Around sum theorems for inductive dimensions |
Henriksen | Removing sets from connected product spaces while preserving connectedness II |
Hernández | Recent results on the Chu duality of discrete groups |
Hernández-Hernandez | Pseudocompactness of Hyperspaces |
Holá | Relations approximated by continuous functions in the Vietoris topology |
Holický | Borel sets with $\sigma$-compact sections |
Holý | Minimal usco maps, densely continuous forms and upper semicontinuous functions (poster) |
Hošková | Topological Hypergroupoids |
Hrušák | Katětov order |
Illanes | Means on continua |
Jardon | Any metalindelof ultracomplete space is almost locally compact. |
Juhász | Resolvability and Monotone Normality |
Junnila | Bases and networks for weak topologies |
Kada | To $\beta \omega$, or not to $\beta \omega$: That is the question |
Kalenda | Usco-bounded convergence |
Kawamura | Some results on the spaces of complex-valued continuous functions on compact Hausdorff spaces |
Koszmider | The interplay between compact spaces and the Banach spaces of their continuous |
Kozlov | On the inequality dim X x Y > dim X + dim Y. |
Kraszewski | Everywhere meagre and everywhere null sets (poster) |
Kruml | Girard completions of quantum frames |
Krupski | Monotone mappings, $\epsilon$-mappings and refinable mappings revisited |
Krzempek | Non-metrizable higher-dimensional Anderson-Choquet continua |
Kubiak | Inserting continuous functions with values in bounded complete domains and hedge |
Kubiś | Retractional resolutions in compact spaces |
Kucharski | Universally Kuratowski-Ulam spaces |
Kunen | Some Results on Ordered Compacta |
Kunzi | Quasi-uniform products |
Kysiak | Special subsets of the reals and tree forcing notions |
Leseberg | Comprehensive Convergence |
López | Confluent induced maps on n-fold Hyperspaces (enlarged abstract) |
Ludwig | Dowker spaces revisited |
Macías | More on $n$-fold Hyperspace Suspensions of Continua. |
Marciszewski | On the Borel properties of spaces of continuous functions |
Marsh | Chain conditions in $C_k(X)$ |
Martinez-Montejano | Whitney Properties, an example |
Matveev | On monotone Lindelöfness |
Mayer | Indecomposable continua with buried points |
McCluskey | Representing posets in $P(R)$. |
Melton | Topologies, Predicate Transformers, and Relational Structures |
van Mill | Homogeneous spaces and transitive actions by topological groups |
Mohamad | Fixed-Point Theorems in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Spaces |
Moore | A solution to the L-space problem |
Moors | Metrizability of compact convex subsets |
Mrševic | Selection principles and $\alpha_i$-properties in Čech closure spaces |
Nikiel | On Souslinian continua |
Nyikos | Special classes of strongly 0-dimensional spaces |
Orozco Zitli | Whitney properties on hyperspace suspension |
Oversteegen | Topological aspects of complex dynamics |
Paseka | General forms of projectivity in quantales |
Patrakeev | Continuous maps of Sorgenfrey line onto real line |
Pazák | Order sequential topology on $ccc$ Boolean algebras (poster) |
Pellicer | 1/m-Homogeneity in Symmetric Products |
Pireddu | Fixed points, periodic points and chaotic-like dynamics for contractive-expansive mappings |
Plewik | Cardinal invariants for $\mathcal C$-cross topologies |
Raja | Borel sets and convexity in Banach spaces |
Ralowski | On nonmeasurability of unions big points families (poster) |
Recoder-Núnez | On a Question of Comfort and Negrepontis |
Reilly | Language and Topological Concepts |
Repovš | New results, conjectures and questions about wild Cantor sets |
Reznichenko | On stratifiable function spaces |
Ridderbos | On the cardinality of power homogeneous Hausdorff spaces |
Rumbeniece | On Chaotic Maps In Symbol Space Of One Sided Infinite Sequences (poster) |
Saint-Raymond | Decidable properties of compact covering mappings |
Sakai | Some properties of function spaces |
Samulewicz | Hyperspaces homeomorphic to the Hurewicz set |
Scharfenberger-Fabian | Maximal Chains in Souslin Algebras |
Sipacheva | Consistent solution of Markov's problem about algebraic sets |
Šlapal | Another approach to connectedness with respect to a categorical closure operator (enlarged abstract) |
Sleziak | Hereditary, additive and divisible classes in epireflective subcategories of ${\rm Top}$ |
Solecki | The pseudo-arc and Fraissé limits |
Spakowski | Set convergences and minimal multifunctions (enlarged abstract) |
Sokolovskaya | One method of constructing semilattices of equivariant compact extensions. |
Sostaks | On multiplicativity of some restricted compactness properties |
Soukup | First countable countably compactifications of first countable spaces |
Szymański | Applications of some theorems on signatures |
Tall | Mutually consistent topological consequences of PFA and V = L |
Thümmel | Exponents of complete Boolean algebras and dynamics on extremally disconnected compact spaces |
Tkachenko | Topological and paratopological groups, a comparison |
Tkachuk | Recent progress in $C_p$-theory: Lindelöf $\Sigma$-property and other topics in function spaces |
Tkacz | An n-dimensional version of the Steinhaus cheessboard theorem |
Todorčević | Chain-condition methods in topology, II |
Tomoyasu | Perfectness of the Higson and Smirnov compactifications |
Trnková | Categorial aspects are useful for topology - after thirty years |
Tsaban | On a problem of Sakai concerning spaces of continuous functions |
Turzański | Antipodal-like theorems and symmetric continuas in euclidean spaces |
Urbaniec | On iterates of multivalued maps with open-like properties |
Uspenskij | The Urysohn space and topological groups |
Vadovic | Densely continuous forms, pointwise topology and cardinal functions |
Valkenburg | On nonseparable Erdös spaces |
van Olmen | Sobriety for approach spaces and the link with completion |
Vandersmissen | Constructing the sobrification of an approach space via bicompletion |
Vaughan | Mrówka maximal almost disjoint families |
de la Vega | Basic homogeneity in the class of zero-dimensional compact spaces |
Visser | On generalized Erdös spaces |
Williams | The Topology of Taut Metric Spaces |
Yajima | On strong beta-spaces |
Yashchenko | Some remarks on AP and WAP spaces |
Yildiz | Categories of dicompact bi-$T_2$ texture spaces and Banach-Stone theorem |
Zapletal | Polar ideals and variations |
Zastrow | On intermediate coverings and other aspects of generalized covering spaces |
Zeberski | On completely nonmeasurable unions |
Zelený | Trichotomies for ideals of compact sets |
Zoli | Finite, and infinite, partitions of LCA groups into congruent thick subsets |
Zsilinszky | On Baireness of the Wijsman topology |