was held on September 1–8, 1961 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the International Mathematical Union.
A total of 147 scientists from 18 countries, including 53 from Czechoslovakia, took part in the symposium, some of them being accompanied by their families. The largest foreign delegations were from the USA, Poland and the USSR.
An audience of more than 300 people was present at the opening ceremony which was held on September 1st, 1961 in the large lecture hall of Hotel International. The ceremony was dedicated to the memory of the late academician Eduard Čech. The main speakers were J. Kožešník, vice-president of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, and the following close collaborators of E. Čech:
The Symposium took the form of presenting short scientific communications containing the results obtained in different fields of general topology and its applications. Seventy eight such communications were presented, all of which were published in General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, Proceedings of the Symposium held in Prague in September 1961 (Academia, Prague, 1962).
The table summarizes the number of participants from individual countries.
Czechoslovakia | 53 |
USA | 23 |
Poland | 21 |
USSR | 14 |
Romania | 8 |
France | 7 |
Hungary | 4 |
Germany (East) | 3 |
India, Japan, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia | 2 |
Austria, Bolivia, Germany (West), Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom | 1 |
Akutowicz | Certaines classes de distributions quasi-analytiques au sens de S. Bernstein. |
Alexandroff | On some Results concerning Topological Spaces and their Continuous Mappings. |
Alexiewicz | The Two Norm Spaces |
Anderson | Homeomorphisms of 2-Dimensional Continua. |
Andreian-Cazacu | Méthodes topologiques dans la théorie des surfaces de Riemann. |
Antonovskii | Metric spaces over semifields. |
Aquaro | Completions of Uniform Spaces. |
Arhangelskii | Concerning the Weight of Topological Spaces. |
Arens | A Problem concerning Locally-A Functions in a Commutative Banach Algebra |
Bergman | Distinguished Boundary Sets in the Theory of Functions of Two Complex Variables. |
Bessaga, Pelczynski | On the Topological Classification of Complete Linear Metric Spaces. |
Bing | Applications of the Side Approximation Theorem for Surfaces. |
Bognár | Bemerkungen zum Kongressvortrag "Stetigkeitsbegriff und abstrakte Mengenlehre" von F. Riesz. |
Boltjanski | Topological semifields and their applications. |
Boltjanski | On Imbeddings of Polyhedra into Euclidean Spaces. |
Borsuk | Concerning the Dimension of ANR-Sets. |
Boseck | Darstellungen von Matrizengruppen über topologischen Körpern. |
Budach, Grell | Arithmetisch-topologische Untersuchungen an Ringen mit eingeschränkten Minimalbedingungen. |
Chogoshvili | On Homology Theory of Non-closed Sets. |
Császár | Complétion et compactification d'espaces syntopogenes. |
Deleanu | Fixed-Point Theory on Neighborhood Retracts of Convexoid Spaces. |
Dowker | Mappings of Proximity Structures. |
Duda | Connexion between Convexity of a Metric Continuum $X$ and Convexity of its Hyperspaces $C(X)$ and $2^X$. |
Duda | Two Results Concerning Biconnected Sets with Dispersion Points |
Eilenberg | A Remark on Duality |
Erdös, Hajnal | On the Topological Product of Discrete lambda-Compact Spaces. |
Flachsmeyer | Nulldimensionale Räume. |
Fréchet | L'espace des courbes n'est qu'un semi-espace de Banach. |
Frolík | A Contribution to the Descriptive Theory of Sets and Spaces. |
Ganea | Algebraic Properties of Function Spaces. |
Gillman | Remote Points in $\beta \mathbb R$. |
Goetz | A Notion of Uniformity for L-spaces of Fréchet. |
Golomb | Arithmetica Topologica. |
Grimeisen | Eine naturliche Topologisierung der Potenzmenge eines topologischen Räumes. |
De Groot | Linearization of Mappings. |
Hartman | Some Relations between Topological and Algebraic Properties of Topological Groups. |
Helmberg | Topologische Untergruppenräume. |
Henriksen, Jerison | The Space of Minimal Prime Ideals of a Commutative Ring. |
Hewitt | Some Applications of Compactness in Harmonic Analysis. |
Hille | Remarks on Transfinite Diameters. |
Isbell | Mazur's Theorem. |
Katetov | On a Category of Spaces. |
Keldysh | Some Theorems on topological Embedding. |
Kelley | Descriptions of Čech Cohomology. |
Klee | Exotic Topologies for Linear Spaces. |
Kluvánek | Sur la représentation des transformations linéaires. |
Kolibiar | Bemerkungen uber Intervalltopologie in halbgeordneten Mengen. |
Koutský, Sekanina | Modifications of Topologies. |
Kuratowski | The Space of Mappings into the Sphere and its Topological Applications. |
Kurepa | On an Inequality concerning Cartesian Multiplication |
Lelek | On Fixations of Sets in Euclidean Spaces. |
Mamuzic | Abstract Distance and Neighborhood Spaces. |
Marek | Iterations of Linear Bounded Operators and Kellogg's Iterations. |
Mazur | On the Topology of Imbedded Spheres |
Michael | Collared Sets. |
Mioduszewski | On Two-to-One Functions. |
Mioduszewski, Rochowski | Remarks on Fixed Point Theorem for lnverse Limit Spaces |
Moise | Periodic Homeomorphisms of the 3-Sphere. |
Musielak | On some Spaces of Functions and Distributions. |
Nagata | On Dimension and Metrization. |
Narasimhan | Existence of Universal Connections. |
Nicolescu | Probléme de 1'analycité par rapport á un opérateur linéaire dans une algébre normée. |
Novák | On the Sequential Envelope. |
Orlicz | Uber gewisse Klassen von Modularraumen. |
Papic | Sur les images continues des continus ordonnés. |
Pasynkov | Projection Spectra and Dimension. |
Poenaru | Products of Spaces by $[0, 1]$. |
Ponomarev | On Paracompact Spaces and Related Questions. |
Schwarz | Probability Measures on Non-commutative Semigroups. |
Šedivá-Trnková | Non-F-Spaces. |
Shirota | On Division Problems for Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients. |
Sikorski | Applications of Topology to Foundations of Mathematics. |
Singer | Basic Sequences and Reflexivity of Banach Spaces. |
Sklyarenko | On Perfect Compactifications of Topological Spaces. |
Smirnov | On Dimensional Properties of Infinite-Dimensional Spaces. |
Solian | Semi-Topology of Transformation Groups. |
Stone A. H. | Non-separable Borel Sets. |
Stone M. H. | Topological Aspects of Conformal Mapping Theory. |
Taylor | The Boundary of the Spectrum of a Linear Operator. |
Teleman | Sur la structure de certains groupes topologiques. |
Tumarkin | Concerning Infinite-Dimensional Spaces. |
Varadarajan | Dimension, Category and $K(II, n)$ Spaces. |
Wallace | Relations on Topological Spaces. |
The list includes all papers presented at the sessions of the Symposium as well as those papers accepted by the Organizing Committee which could not for various reasons, be presented during the Symposium and were forwarded in writing only. In some cases the language and the title of the paper differ from those originally announced.
Not too many pictures were found from the 1st Toposym. The collection contains two group pictures (one can find there J. Kelley, S. Schwarz, J. Novak, R. McDowell, E. Hille, E. Michael, M. Katětov, L. Gillman, Yu. M. Smirnoff and others). There are pictures from the opening ceremony devoted to E. Čech (P. S. Alexandroff was one of the main speakers, on the other picture from the audience one can see e.g. J. Kelley). The remaining pictures are from the scientific program (the audience, V. Trnková and M. H. Stone).