was held on August 23 27, 1976 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences with support of the International Mathematical Union and in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University and the Association of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists.
The Symposium was attended by 217 mathematicians from 24 countries, including 53 from Czechoslovakia. The program consisted of 30 invited talks (11 plenary, 18 semiplenary, 1 in a session for contributed papers), and 135 fifteen minute talks in three or four parallel sessions.
The proceedings of the symposium are published in parts A and B of General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra IV, Proceedings of the Fourth Prague Topological Symposium 1976. Part A, published by Springer-Verlag, contains 19 invited papers. Part B, published by Association of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists, contains 98 contributed papers, 5 abstracts of invited talks and problems of K. Borsuk and of K. Morita.
The table summarizes the number of participants from individual countries.
Czechoslovakia | 55 |
Poland, USA | 30 |
Germany (East 8, West 11) | 19 |
Canada, USSR | 12 |
Hungary, Greece | 11 |
Netherlands | 9 |
Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia | 5 |
Belgium | 4 |
Italy, Japan | 3 |
Austria, India | 2 |
France, Iran, Kuwait, Mexico, Nigeria, Spain | 1 |
The invited addresses are in boldface.
Aarts, Lowen-Colebunders | On an example of Mary Ellen Rudin. |
Alexiewicz | Two-norm algebras. |
Alster, Zenor | Preservation of the Lindelöf property in product spaces. |
Anantharaman, Naimpally | Equicontinuity, nonexpansiveness snd uniform boundedness |
Anderson | Group actions on Hilbert cube manifolds. |
Arhangelskii | Some recent results on cardinal-valued invariants of bicompact Hausdorff spaces. |
Arya | On a theorem of Michael-Morita-Hanai. |
Atsuji | On normality of the product of two spaces. |
Baayen | Maximal linked systems in topology. |
Balogh | Relative compactness and recent common generalizations of metric and locally compact spaces. |
Banaschewski | Sheaves of Banach spaces. |
Bellamy | Indecomposable continua with one and two composants. |
Bessaga, Dobrowolski | Deleting formulas for topological vector spaces and groups |
Binz | On an extension of Pontryagin's duality. |
Błaszczyk | On a factorization lemma and a construction of absolute without separation axioms. |
Bogatyj | On preservation of fixed point property by continuous mappings. |
Bognár | On locally ordered spaces. |
Boseck, Czichowski | Structure of connected locally compact groups. |
Byczkowski | On closed graph and open mappings theorems. |
Čerin | Homotopy theory at $\omega$ and the theory of shape. |
Chaber | On $\theta$-refinability. |
Chapman | Homotopy conditions which characterize simple homotopy equivalences. |
Charalambous | A note on the dimension of products. |
Charatonik | Problems and remarks on contractibility of curves. |
Chattopadhyay, Thron | Extensions of closure spaces. |
Chvalina | Set transformations with centralizers formed by closed deformations of quasi-discrete topological spaces. |
Čoban, Nedev | Odno priloženie faktorizacionnych teorem dlja mnogoznačnych otobraženii. |
Comfort | Some recent applications of ultrafilters to topology. |
Császár Á. | Some problems concerning C(X). |
Császár K. | Separation and connectedness. |
Dobrakov | Products of operator valued measures and the Fubini theorem. |
Doitchinov | The notion of K-shape. |
Domiaty | Remarks to the problem of defining a topology by its homeomorphism group. |
van Douwen | A technique for constructing examples. |
Durdil | On the geometric characterization of differentiability. |
Dyckhoff | Topology in a spatial topos. |
Efremovič, Vainštein | Novye rezultaty v ravnomernoi topologii |
Fabian | On singlevaluedness and continuity of monotone mappings. |
Flachsmeyer | Topologization of Boolean algebras. |
Flachsmeyer, Terpe | On convergence structures in the space of summations. |
Fleissner | Box products of Baire spaces. |
Frič, Koutník | Sequentially complete spaces. |
Frolík | Recent development of theory of uniform spaces. |
Gähler | On generalized topological vector spaces. |
Gähler | On limit spaces and limit-uniform spaces. |
Gerlits | On dyadic and $\lambda$-adic spaces. |
Gierz, Keimel | A lemma on primes appearing in algebra and analysis. |
Govaerts | Categories of continuous function apaces. |
Grimeisen | The limit inferior of a filtered set-family as a set of limit points. |
Hadžiivanov | O razmernosti metričeskich i kompaktnych prostranstv. |
Hajek | Wallman extendible functions with normal domains. |
Hamburger | A generalization of uniform open basis. |
Heinrich | Linear-topological properties of operator spaces. |
Hejcman | Covering dimensions and partitions of unity. |
Henriksen | Spaces that haue a compactification with a countable remainder. |
Hilton | On generalizations of shape theory. |
Holický | On a characterization of completely additive families. |
Hoshina | Compactifications by adding a countable number of points. |
Hušek, Trnková | Categorial aspects are useful in topology. |
Iliadis | O nepodvižnych točkach pri nekotorych otobraženijach kompaktov. |
Ivanov | Fixed point theorems of metric space mappings. |
Ivanšić | Embedding compacta up to shape. |
Iwanik | On two-sided nonsingular transformations of Borel spaces. |
Jayne | Analytic sets of extreme points of closed convex sets. |
Jeschek, Poppe, Stärk | A compactness criterion for the space of almost periodic functions. |
Johnson | Perturbations of Banach algebras. |
Juhász | On the number of open sets. |
Kartsaklis | Topological considerations in the foundations of quantum mechanics and space-time theories. |
Katětov | Descriptive complexity of functions. |
Katuta | Monotone increasing covers and paracompactness. |
Kaul | Regularity: A generalization of equicontinuity. |
Keimel | On structure spaces of vector lattices. |
Kent, Richardson | Some product theorems for convergence spaces. |
Kneis | The theorem of Arzela-Ascoli in pseudo-uniform spaces. |
Kratochvíl | Multisequences and measure theory. |
Kulpa | On decomposition into no where dense sets. |
Kuratowski | $\sigma$-algebra generated by analytic sets and applications. |
Kurepa | On monotone mappings of ordered sets. |
Kůrková | Fine and simply fine uniform spaces. |
Kuzminov, Švedov | O gomologičeskoi razmernosti Bredona nasledstvenno parakompaktnych prostranstv. |
Lokucievskij | Axiomatic definition of the dimension for bicompacta. |
Lowen | Convergence in the lattice of lower semicontinuous functions. |
Lüschow | Some topological properties of SM-spaces. |
Maćkowiak | Planable and smooth dendroids. |
Maharam-Stone | Measure, category and Boolean spaces. |
Mardešić | Recent development of shape theory. |
Marek | Fredholm points of compactly perturbed bounded linear operators. |
Marjanović | Some considerations related to hyperspaces. |
Meletiou | Families of partially coinciding topologies. |
van Mill | Recent results on superextensions. |
Minc | Local connectedness and fixed points. |
Mioduszewski | Compact Hausdorff spaces with two open sets. |
Mislove | The maximal ideal space of the measure algebra of certain semigroups. |
Močkoř | Topological groups of divisibility. |
Müller | $T_3$ |
Musiał | The weak Radon-Nikodym property in Banach spaces. |
Musielak | An application of modular spaces to integral equations. |
Musielak, Waszak | Some problems of convergence in countably modulared spaces. |
Mysior | The category of all zero-dimensional realcompact spaces is not simple. |
Nagata | On rings of continuous functions. |
Nagy | On countably compact, locally countable spaces. |
Negrepontis | Applications of Erdös-Rado intersection relations in the embedding of $l_1(\gama)$ to Banach spaces. |
Nel | Subcategories with cartesian closed coreflective hulls. |
Nelson | Algebras of continuous functions in universal algebra. |
Nešetřil, Rödl | Some topological Ramsey-type problems. |
Neubrunn | Separate continuity and continuity for some generalized continuity notions. |
Novák | Concerning the Cartesian product of two Fréchet spaces. |
Nyikos | Countable small rank and cardinal invariants. |
Pareek | On dense subspaces of stratifiable and semi-stratifiable spaces. |
Patkowska | A class $\alpha$ and compacta which are quasi-homeomorphic with surfaces. |
Patronis, Stavrinos | On hyperspace of continuous curves and continuous hyperspaces of any order. |
Pelant | Combinatorial properties of uniformities. |
Pelant, Reiterman | Atoms in uniformities and proximities. |
Pietsch | Entropy numbers of operators in Banach spaces. |
Pol E., Pol R. | A hereditarily normal strongly zero-dimensional space containing subspaces of arbitrarily large dimension. |
Porst | Embeddable spaces and duality. |
Preuss | Relative connectedness and disconnectedness in topological categories. |
Prodanov | Minimal topologies on Abelian groups. |
Pták P. | Refinements of uniform spaces associated with discreteness. |
Pták V. | Nondiscrete mathematical induction. |
Rajagopalan | The V-process and a problem of Kannan and Arhangelskii on compact c-spaces. |
Reed | Consistency and independence results in Moore spaces. |
Reichel | Some results on distance-functions. |
Rice | Descriptive sets in uniform spaces. |
Riečan | Extension of measures and integrals by the help of a pseudometric. |
Ringrose | Derivations of quotients of von Neumann algebras. |
Roitman | Some topological effects of random and Cohen reals. |
Rosický | Liftings of functors in topological situations. |
Rudin | Set theoretic problems in topology. |
Ryškov | O centrirovkach mnogomernych rešetok. |
Ščepin | On uncountable inverse spectra. |
Schmets | On spaces of vector-valued continuous functions. |
Schrijver | Characterizations of supercompact spaces. |
Schröder | Wallman's method (Das Wallman-Verfahren). |
Segal | Local behavior in shape theory. |
Sekanina | Topologies on $2^X$. |
Seyedin | On quasi-uniform convergence. |
Simon | Uniform atoms on $\omega$. |
Smirnov | Some topological aspects in the theory of topological transformation groups. |
Šostak | A class of spaces which contains all connected and compact spaces. |
Stone | Measure-preserving maps. |
Švedov | Ob ocenke metričeskoi razmernosti. |
Szökefalvi-Nagy | Some properties of the function algebra $H^\infty$. |
Szymański | P-points in $\beta\omega$. |
Talamo | Extensions and structures. |
Tall | Some topological applications of a generalized Martin's axiom. |
Tashjian | Exponential operations in coreflective subcategories of Tych and Unif. |
Telgársky | On some topological games. |
Vaughan | Products of [a,b]-chain compact spaces. |
van de Vel | The fixed point property of superextensions. |
Venkataraman | On topological invariants of topological spaces. |
Vilímovský | Extensions of uniformly continuous Banach ualued mappings. |
de Vries | Embeddings of G-spaces. |
Wage | On a problem of Katětov. |
Wattel | Subbase structures in nearness spaces. |
Weiss | Some connected problems. |
Wichterle | Joint convergence in function spaces. Order of W-closures. |
Wicke, Worell | Scattered spaces of point-countable type. |
Wilhelm | On closed graph theorems. |
van Wouwe | Generalized ordered p-spaces. |
Zahradník | $l_1$-partitions of unity on normed spaces. |
Zarelua | On zero-dimensional mappings and commutative algebra. |
Zaremba | On cohesive mappings. |
Zemánek | On the spectral radius in Banach algebras. |